Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I was going to write something thoughtful and review John Carpenter's Halloween, but I don't feel there is any need to.  This is a film that has inspired so many filmmakers and still holds the spot of being one of the scariest movies ever.  If you have been following my blog then you most likely have seen this. I would find it hard to believe anyone who is interested in horror films hasn't seen Halloween.

I would like to close this entry with thanking all of you who have been reading my 31 Days of Horror.  I have never done anything like this before and I probably wouldn't have kept writing if I didn't have your support. It really means a lot to me. While doing this blog I have found that I really enjoy writing so maybe it's something I'll keep doing.  Maybe I'll write a screenplay, who knows! :)

Thanks again, I'll see you next October.

Happy Halloween!

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