Cloverfield was directed by Matt Reeves (Let Me In), written by Drew Goddard (The Cabin in the Woods), and produced by J.J. Abrams (LOST). These three brilliant minds managed to create the monster movie of our generation; think a modern day Godzilla or King Kong, only better. Reeves, Goddard, and Abrams have all done similar work but each have their own signature styles written all over Cloverfield.
Before deciding on an official title, Cloverfield was marketed as 01.18.08.
The cinematographic technique used in the film ("shaky cam") caused some of its viewers in the theater to experience nausea, motion sickness, a temporary loss of balance, and proneness to migraines. As a result, theaters everywhere were told to put up signs and verbally warn anyone who was attending the movie.
The main reason I chose Cloverfield this evening was based on the weather this weekend. Walking the streets of downtown Chicago and constantly looking up at the dark clouds, wondering when it was going to start down pouring reminded me a lot of this movie. Some scenes are somewhat predictable but it's entertaining nonetheless and PERFECT for nice rainy October Sunday.
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