"An old-fashioned scary movie set in a highly realistic sci-fi future, made all the more believable by expert technical craftsmanship." - Variety
It took me a long time to become a fan of Ridley Scott's 1979 classic, Alien. In my defense, I am extremely picky when it comes to Sci-Fi movies. After multiple viewings as a teenager, I almost gave up on trying to understand the hype around this film. Then, in just the last couple of years, something clicked and I finally got it.
The film starts out incredibly slow but once the train derails, it becomes one hell of a ride. I think the reason it was so hard for me to enjoy it was because I wanted and expected something intense throughout the duration of the movie. Now I have realized that I appreciate the suspense and everything that leads up to its first intense scene. The dark tone and volume of the characters just makes the crisis in the plot that much more vivid.
Today I have nothing but respect for Alien and its ability to frighten new audiences to this day, not to mention the fact that it contains one of the single greatest movie death scenes of all time. If you don't know, you probably haven't watched it yet.
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