Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 30th, 2013: The Gate

"The Gate is a MUST HAVE for all horror fans." - Steve "Uncle Creepy" Barton, Dread Central

Glen's parents are going out of town for the weekend and left his older sister, Alexandra, or "Al", in charge.  While digging in a hole in the backyard, he and his best friend Terry find a geode.  Terry brings a metal record over to listen to and the lyrics are based on something referred to as "The Dark Book".  After consulting the words to the music, Terry is convinced that the hole in Glen's backyard is the gateway to Hell.  He's right.

The Gate is a classic 1980's kid's horror film but it's much more intense one may be lead to believe.  There were many times I forgot that I was watching a PG-13 movie.  The best way to describe its content is The Monster Squad meets a tame Evil Dead.  You'll laugh, you'll jump and maybe even scream, but most of all, you're '80s nostalgia fix will be fulfilled in a horrific way.

- CS

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