Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14th, 2013: Arachnophobia

"First-time director Frank Marshall has long been Steven Spielberg's producer, and he's learned the master's lessons well." - David Ansen, Newsweek 

A Venezuelan spider is brought to America, producing a new race of deadly spiders in a small California town.  They quickly spread, killing everything and anything in their path.  Jeff Daniels and John Goodman play the roles of our heroes, and together, they must protect their community. 

Arachnophobia is a movie I saw when I was younger and all I could think of was seeing Harry Dunn as a family man.  In all seriousness though, this is a great film to watch this time of year.  The film does a great job of balancing humor and the scares; definitely recommended for the horror lightweights.  It may have a PG-13 rating, but don't let that fool you - some of the the scariest moments in horror can be found in this 1990's seasonal favorite.  


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