Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 17th, 2013: Evil Dead (2013)

"An effectively relentless gore-fest." - Bruce Diones, New Yorker

I don't consider Evil Dead (2013) a remake or a re-imagining.  If anything, I think they should have named this film Evil Dead IV.  It's an all new cast and a familiar story, but it is also just another chapter of the book of the dead.  This time around, there's also a lot more blood.

Evil Dead (2013) contains everything any horror fan would want to see in a movie.  It will make you laugh, scream, jump, and even have you cheering.  The action, score, and gore is so extreme that it reminded me of a foreign horror film.  It makes you wonder how hard they had to battle to dodge an NC-17 rating.  When everything was all said and done, I left the theater with the biggest smile on my face.


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